Free Walking Tour (English)

R$ 0,00 Pay what you want

  • julho 2024
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Explore the city in a light and relaxed manner and contribute an amount you consider fair!

Explore Tiradentes on foot in an English tour, ideal for discovering the main attractions

The Free Walking Tour offers an excellent historical view of Tiradentes, going through its streets and alleys. The English tour is conducted by monitors in training. Entrance to churches and museums is optional. Fair Price at Your Discretion In the Free Walking Tour, there isn’t a fixed price per person. At the end of the tour, each participant contributes an amount they consider appropriate for the service provided by the guide.



Te convidamos para um dedo de prosa aqui em Tiradentes.
Estamos localizados no centro, atrás da Feirinha de Artesanato.